Monday 16 May 2011

Moon Board And Audience Profile - Business man.

I created a moonboard and an audience profile to decribe a business man. I made many decisions which include what images to include and what descritions to make. I also had to decide what category to put his status in. I chose to put him in the B category.

1 comment:

  1. Kayleigh
    Great effort!
    You have explained the lifestyle and interests of the audience. You have worked out what you think the audience is interested in and done a good job of communicating this. Also, you have explained the demographic group you think that they are in (B category you said)

    At the moment, this is a PASS. To improve it I would suggest including a wider range of images for the mood board (yes, it's called a MOOD board not a Moon board!). You have included many images of apple technology (including TWO iphones and an ipad). Think about all the cultural things this man might like. How could you represent these?

    Also to move up to the next level, explain what choices you made when you were creating the mood board. Why did you choose those images? What information do they convey to the viewer?

    Great effort. Well done!

    Mr Monahan
